Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. ~Hebrews 11:1
The position of faith is one of the toughest places you can ever be placed in. And yet, without the positioning, no faith can ever be built or grown. Faith is built in tough places. God promises us something and He puts us between a rock and a hard place and by faith we still believe. It was by faith that Abraham was credited righteousness (Romans 4:3). It is by faith that we are righteous. It is by faith that we please God (Hebrews 11:6). It is by faith that we learn to know God and see His power manifest within and among us. It is by faith the heart grows fonder toward its Creator because we start to see how much we really truly believe Him against all odds.
Perhaps what I love the most about faith is the relationship it produces between us and God. If I have faith, I will have to discuss my life circumstances every day with my Lord until I receive what it is I've been promised and what remains hidden, unseen. Thus, faith produces dialogue with God throughout the battle of circumstances. In this battle, perhaps faith is what really teaches us how much we truly love the God we serve. If I didn't love God so much I probably wouldn't believe. I probably wouldn't go through the trouble, the pain, and the heartache of believing when circumstances seem impossible.
In the mists of the raging battle of circumstances, faith provides a window for God's power to manifest itself in ways we've never thought possible. With this power comes even more belief. More faith is built up already for the next "impossible" mission of faith. This power also brings repentance of doubt, despair, and unbelief. It's then that we truly realize that our Savior can move the mountains. All we have to do is take heart, believe, and have faith.
Ultimately, it is God's love that fuels the car of faith. When we run out of steam and are on the verge of exhaustion we must refuel with God's love so the car of faith can continue despite the odds. God's love for us reminds us of His goodness and His faithfulness and His wholeness. His love strengthens us so our faith does not fail. His love reminds us whose child we are and how passionately we are cared for. Most importantly, His love completes us. Faith is impossible without God's love. If you have hit a wall of circumstance in your faith journey, then refuel on God's love. Faith is impossible without it. Remember you are loved unconditionally by a God who is always good and never fails. In the end, you will know Him like you've never known Him before. And, ultimately, I think that's the point of faith.
Hi Stacy,
Beautiful devotional!
Thank you so much Becky :)